Generator regulator SSMe is dedicated for 6V generators 30-60Watts with negativ "-" on earth instalation, especially for generators equiped with electro-mechanical regulator BOSCH typ SSM and similar.SSME fit for putting under original cover dimensions (40x45x22) and holes arrangement make repleacement of regulator easy.
regulator included two systems -Voltage regulator and output current controller adjusted for 30 ,45 ,50 or 60 Watts
However regulator is preadjusted in production , it's able to adjust when required.
1.Disconect resistor terminals and isotate them.SSME don't requires resistor for good working
2.For right magnetic polarization ( negativ "-" on earth)connect generator field coil like on diagram 1 and connect battery for few seconds.Remember about polarization of battery with "-" on gronud.Take care for direction of rotating ( it has to be the same in work on engin )
3.Connect regulator like on diagram 2.
ATTENTION! Body of regulator has to be isolated from eart of generator like in oryginal solution.